are 280 pages in total where I have mixed my own drawings and
photos with older clip art that I have restored and improved.
If you
already now know what you are looking for, use the search button
here to find the page, otherwise take a look at the navigation
buttons in the left column or below on this page.
If you use it for your private purpose, like
making a birthday greeting or for table cards, please feel free
to use as much clip art as you like.
If you want to use it
for your website, or for commercial purposes, there are only two
, please read about that below on this page.
If you already know exactly what you want, try using the
search-function on top of this page or in the navigation bar to the right.
Then you will get some options, which are all pages here on Clipartqueen.
And remember,
if needed I have a lot of
these clipart in a larger scale, so please
contact me to hear if the one you like is among them.
If you would like to look at some pages on Clipartqueen to
get an idea of what you can find here, this is what you should
You can use the buttons in the left column, or the
ones below. Both kinds will lead you to the main categories,
with an overview of all the subpages.
Let me give you an example:
You would like to find some funny clipart of
birthday cake.
the button in the left column saying
"Birthday Ideas"
Click the button below in the overview saying
which leads you to the main page for all
my pages with birthday clip art, birthday cards,
birthday sayings and so on.
Now choose among these
the page you want to
visit, and take a look at all the cute graphics and sayings
and what else you can think of.
Overview of the
19 Main Pages on
On this page you will find an overview of all the
pages with party ideas:
Party Clip Art,
40th Birthday Party Ideas, Halloween Party, Princess
Party Ideas, Kids Party Ideas , Funny clip art of
cakes, Retirement Party
Ideas and Slumber Party Ideas together
with a lot of Party Game Ideas for Kids
and Grown Ups.
Birthday Ideas: Overview of all kinds of pages with
Birthday Cards, 1st Birthday Invitations, Birthday
Clip Art, Birthday Sayings together with
some really great ideas for Birthday
cakes, Birthday themes and so on.
Flower clip art of so many kinds, and on this page
is an overview of all the pages with flowers:
Flower sketches, flowers divided by color, fall
leaves clip art, spring flowers, drawings of flowers
and more.
On this page you find an overview of pages with
dog sketches, cartoon animals, cut-out
animals, butterflies, polar bears, dinosaur clip art,
elephants, drawings and cut-outs of birds of all
kinds, cute and funny clip art of cats, dogs, monkeys - you name
it, and it's here (almost all :-))
Here you will find a list with
Year clipart and cards, Groundhog Day clipart, Easter
clip art - clip art for St. Patrick's Day, for
Mother's Day and Father's Day.
Of course there will also be lots
of Valentine's Day clip art, 4th of July
clipart, and clip art and ideas for Halloween,
Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Some will be photos, but most will be funny cartoon
drawings and cool drawings for Halloween.
The page Funny Clip Art has a lot of ideas for how
to use funny clip art creating birthday cards and
Holiday paper crafts, but most of all it has a list of
all the pages with funny clipart like
Funny Monkey drawings, cute teddy bears, cartoon
animals, smiley faces, funny picture quotes and more.
Here you find links in the overview of all the
pages with clip art for the precious moments in life.
Wedding, Mother's Day, Father's Day,
Birthday and Graduation, with lots of
clip art and pictures.
14 pages with silhouette clip art of
different kinds, together with a lot of
ideas for how to use all this clip art for mobiles and
printing on clothes.
There are also lots of
silhouettes of skylines and furniture.
Love picture quotes,
quotes for 4th of July and Good Morning Picture Quotes,
plus an overview of pages with other kind of picture
quotes like
Father's Day picture quotes,
dog picture quotes, funny pictures quotes and picture
quotes about life.
This is the main page for all the
birthday cards and
cute Valentine
cards.There are also
Happy New
Year cards and
pages with
birthday sayings and birthday quotes,
and help to make your own cards with Microsoft
I have made coloring pages to go with a lot of the
pages with clip art, and here you can find a list with
funny elephant coloring pages, beautiful
butterfly coloring pages, pages with cats and
dinosaurs to color, birthday coloring page
cool drawings with pirates and pirate
ships- and a lot more.
You can also
find some extremely
beautiful vintage
coloring pages.
Most of my drawings are more cute than cool, but
here you find pages with
pirate clip art,
cool pictures of dragons and beautiful koi fish clip
I think
bald eagle
drawings can be called cool drawings.
Winter, spring, summer or fall - I love all the
seasons, and my favorite season tend to be the one
there is here right now :-)
On this page you will
find a description of all the pages with
spring clip art, photos of spring flowers, winter clip
art and summer clip art, photos with snow and I think
three pages with fall leaves and autumn photos.
There are not so many subpages to this
one, but more will come.
On the main page with
pencil sketches you find links to a page with
great dog sketches and flower sketches, and pages
about how to draw a cat and a dog.
A main page for medical clip art with
photos of medical utensils, drawings of doctors and
teddy bears with a bandage.You will
also find links to the page with
cartoons, my own funny drawings.
What you find here is a list of all the pages with
school clip art, sports clip art, space
clip art and so on, but you will also
some really cool money and business
clip art and some quotes about success and business.

This main page comes with an overview of all the
19 pages here on clipartqueen filled with
facts about animals. I won't mention
them all here, have a look and I'm sure you will find
what you are looking for.
On the page you will also
get lots of information about
intelligence, dangerous animals, arctic animals
and a lot more.

Again lots of pages, I think there
are 23 pages, this time with animal
photos, all free for you to use.
Some of the photos
are public domain photos I have made sharper or cut
out unnecessary details, but a lot of them are photos
I have taken myself, like a lot of the
photos of hippos, elephants, polar bears and more.
If you want funny clip art of these animals, please go
to animal clipart.

The main page for lots of coming up pages with borders
of any kind.
Right now there are two sub-pages, but
soon you will find the other 8 planned pages with
animal borders, Easter borders, Christmas borders and
so on.

Here you find an overview of all the pages here on with antique, vintage and Victorian
Classic cars, Victorian clothing, Medieval
clothing and clip art, as well as Victorian and
Vintage clip art of horses, clocks, graphophones (no,
it is actually spelled correctly!) and more.
After turning 65 I have the time and (hopefully) the energy for
making all the children's books I have been planning for so
When you sign up for my newsletter you can choose one of these
e-books for free!