The mouse clip art on this page will be mainly mouse drawings, but you will also find a few mice pictures.
The mouse drawings are not at all realistic, but they are cute and funny and I love drawing these little creatures, sometimes dressed up, sometimes in some kind of activity, but often just standing or sitting being mice.
There will also be some silhouettes of mice. If you want other animal silhouettes, please see the link below on this page, or the button in the navigation.
For most of us mice can be a real pain, and if they invade our house we to what we can to get rid of them. But in the same time they are extremely cute, and so good to use in children's books, films and fairytales. You only have to think of the very cute mice in Disney's Cinderella.
Here are the first of the
When I write PNG with the name of the picture it means it comes with transparent background, so that you can use it on top of different backgrounds.
I have collected some jokes about mice, or just with mice in them, to go with the mouse clip art:
Mouse potato - the on-line generation's answer to the couch potato.
When should a mouse carry an umbrella ? When it’s raining cats and dogs !
What do you get if you try to cross a mouse with a skunk ? Dirty looks from the mouse !
Do you know what a mice said when it saw a bat? "Mom ! I see an angel."
What goes dot, dot, dash, squeak? Mouse code!
How do mice celebrate when they move home? With a mouse warming party!
A man in a movie theater notices what looks like a
mouse sitting next to him. "Are you a mouse?" asked the man,
"What are you doing at the movies?"
mouse replied, "Well, I liked the book."
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Three blind mice, three blind mice,
See how they run,
see how they run,
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a
thing in your life,
As three blind mice?
The old English rhyme is based in the history, when Queen Mary I persecuted (amongst many others ) three noblemen who adhered to the Protestant faith.
Queen Mary I, also called Bloody Mary, is in the rhyme referred to as "the farmer's wife" because she possessed lots of huge estates.
Bloody Mary didn't blind the noblemen, or cut off their tails, but she certainly had them convicted of plotting against the throne and they were burned at the stake.
How do you save a drowning mouse ? Use mouse to mouse
resuscitation !
What did Tom get when he locked Jerry in the freezer?
Mice cubes!
What's the definition of a narrow squeak ? A thin
mouse !
Why do mice need oiling? Because they squeak!
What does a twelve-pound mouse say to a cat? 'Here Kitty,
kitty, kitty'!
What is a mouse's favorite game? Hide
and squeak!
What is small, furry and brilliant at
sword fights? A mouseketeer!
Two cute mice in nest | Picture of wood mouse |
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Cute wood mouse | Three white mice |
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Wood mouse cut-out PNG | |
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The myth that elephants are afraid of mice originates from a
work of Plinius The Elder where he states that mice and other
rodents scares the big elephant. It has later been told as if
the elephants are afraid that the mice will crawl into their
trunks, up their nostrils.
You find the myth used in films
like Disney's Dumbo.
Actually elephants are not
particularly afraid of mice or rodents. But because the
elephants have a relatively poor eyesight, they get easily
scared by anything that is small and moves fast, so it's
difficult for them to see, yet it rustles in the grass or on
the ground.
When this happens, when they hear something
moving around right before them without being able to see it,
the elephants get spooked and try to get away from it.
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