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Fascinating Turtle Facts
This page will answer a lot of the biggest questions you have
about turtles – how long do they live? What do they eat? What eats
them? What parts of the world do they live in?
Turtles are
mysterious and wonderful creatures, loved by children and adults
We'll even cover some facts about turtles you've
probably never considered – these random fun facts are great little
bits of trivia to know and are handy for surprising friends and
Giant tortoises |
Aldabra tortoise giant |
Tub of terrapins different colors |
Close up of Red footed tortoise |
Giant Galapagos turtle (Tony) |
Bastyr turtles with Water lilys |

Interesting and Fun Turtle Facts
Let's begin with an
assortment of fun and interesting turtle facts. Did you know:

turtles are amphibious, meaning they can survive on land and
in water

turtles lay eggs.
Although there are turtles that live
their entire lives predominantly in the sea, all turtles must lay
their eggs on land.
Both tortoises and sea turtles dig their eggs
down in sand or soil.
It is the temperature of the egg that
determines the sex of the turtle babies.
If the temperature
is 32-34 C (89,6-93,2 F) exclusively females will hatch, while
if the temperature is 24-26 C (75,2-78,8 F) exclusively males will
So if the eggs are placed in the upper soil layers, they
become females, and in the lower layers of soil they become males.

turtles are cold-blooded animals

scientists believed turtle shells evolved out of the spine bones
of their ancestors, becoming larger and broad over time until it
created a complete protective surface across the entire back. The
turtle shell is actually part of the skeleton.

turtles have
been on Earth for about 200 million years – although the earliest
turtles wouldn't be familiar to us today. In particular, the
earliest turtles lacked the abiltiy to retract their legs and head
into their shells – this is a defence mechanism many turtle species
developed over time.

it can take up to four years for a female
to lay eggs after mating

there are turtles which can run faster
than humans across land

although they don't appear to have
visible ears, many types of turtles have good hearing

are reptiles, and like other reptiles such as snakes, turtles shed
their skin. The difference is that turtles shed scales, rather than
shedding their entire skin in one go as snakes and many lizards do.
In fact, the sections of a turtle's shell are known as 'scutes,' and
each of these is simply a large scale – the flexible parts of the
turtle's skin are made up of much smaller scales.
Yes, turtles even
shed their shell scutes, but of course their don't shed their entire
shell – to a human eye the shedding appears as a thin layer peeling
off each of the scutes.

all turtles, including sea turtles, cannot
breathe underwater – they need to come up for air regularly

Roman times, soldiers would protect themselves in a 'Testudo'
formation, a word linked to 'Testudine' which is a scientific word
for the broader family of turtles. The Testudo involved using their
shields to create a shell, mimicking the defences of a turtle.

Turtles have no teeth, but they have a ridge of bumps along each
side of their beak which helps them grind up their food

are actually two parts to a turtle shell.
The back part of the shell,
which we commonly think of, is called the carapace.
The underbelly
side of the shell is called the plastron. When you compare turtle
skeletons to the skeletons of other reptiles, you can see how
certain bones in the ribs and spine have broadened and extended in
the turtle to form the shell shape.
In some turtles the shell is
fused to the pelvis bone, whereas in others the pelvis 'floats'
freely. Some turtles also have a 'hinge' on their plastron so they
can bend forward.
Turtle Pictures:
Painted turtle in grass |
Painted turtleon sand |
Eastern painted turtle |
Western painted turtle |
Baby painted turtle hold in hand |
Baby bog turtle hold in hand |
Bog turtle baby in palm of hand |
Sunning Bog turtle |
Spotted turtle in grass |
Face of box turtle |

Types of Turtles:
While most people have a conception of what a 'turtle'
looks like, in most cases they are thinking of one common species of
turtle such as the red-eared turtle. In actual fact, turtles come in
all shapes and sizes, with over 300 different species.
zoom in on some of the weird and wonderful differences between
turtle species.

African helmeted turtle
has to turn its head to the side to hide within its shell

red-eared sliders are amongst the most commonly kept pet turtles –
they're recognizable by the red markings near their ears
snapping turtles, and several other turtle species,
have their eyes on top of their head. Most turtles have eyes on the
front of their head, similar to humans, so they can see what's
directly in front of them

Australian pig-nosed
turtle – well, the name says it all. This turtle is
distinctive for its snout-shaped nose and its broad, flat flippers.

sawback turtle has a straight ridge of spines
along the middle of its shell, similar to a stegosaurus dinosaur
mud turtles grow only about 5 inches long (about
13 centimeters) and like to hang out in muddy habitats.
Egyptian tortoise crawling |
Desert tortoise |
Black turtle |
Chersina angulata tortoise photo |
Two terrapins on beach |
Terrapin making tracks in sand |
Snapping turtle hiding in sand |
Snapping turtle on beach |
Tracks from terrapin in wet sand |
Two terrapins going into
the water |

Sea Turtles:
Sea turtles have developed a few interesting traits
which have allowed them to adapt and survive in the water without
having to return to land often.
One of these is the ability to drink
and process salt water.
Strangely enough, sea turtles actually 'cry'
out the salt they consume when they drink – the salt is excreted
through tears.
Male sea turtles tend to spend their entire
lives in the water – although they hatch from their eggs on land.
The beginning of a sea turtle's life involves a quick scramble
towards the safety of the ocean – while they are exposed on the
beach they are vulnerable to a range of predatory attacks from land
animals and birds.
Sea turtles are known to migrate over 1000 miles
(1600 kilometers) to particular spots in order to lay their eggs.
Kemps Ridley Sea Turtle |
Leatherback sea turtle with eggs |
Green Sea turtle in water |
Sea turtles on beach |
You can find more Sea turtle
pictures on this website on the page
Sea Turtle Pictures.

Freshwater Turtles
Most of the turtles which are kept as pets are freshwater
The first major difference between sea turtles and
freshwater turtles is size. Many freshwater turtles are small enough
to sit in the palm of your hand – they're a far cry from the
gigantic Leatherback sea turtle, the biggest specimens of which can
weigh up to 2000 pounds (900 kilograms) and grow up to 8 feet (2.4
meters) long. (You'd have a hard time keeping one of these in a tank
in your living room!)
There is one exception in case of size,
however: the
Asian softshell. This is a beast of a
freshwater turtle, with specimens recorded growing over 6 feet long
(1.8 meters).
In most cases, the growth of turtles is
determined by their habitat and food availability as much as their
Red-eared sliders, for example – which are amongst the most
commonly kept pet turtles – often grow no more than a few inches
long when kept in a small tank, but they are capable of growing much
bigger when given a large outdoor pond with an abundant food source.
Bog turtle in green grass |
Photo of bog turtle |
Picture of Blanding's turtle |
Close up of Bog turtle |
Terrapin swimming in river |
Red eared Slider |
Red bellied cooter and painted
turtle |
Red eared sliders |
Northern Red-bellied Cooter |
Belly of snapping turtle |
Picture of Map turtle |
Texas softshell turtle |
Alligator snapping
turtle |
Young snapping turtle |
Western pond turtle |
Snapping turtle in water |

Turtles which live entirely or primarily on land are
referred to as tortoises.
You may be thinking: 'Wait a
minute – I thought turtles and tortoises were different animals
Well, it all depends on
where you live in the
In many parts of the world, 'tortoise' is simply
used as a sub-category of turtles. In other parts of the world,
there's a stronger distinction between turtles, which live in water,
and tortoises, which live on land. In any case, land-dwelling
tortoises are part of the turtle family.
Perhaps the best
known type of tortoises are the giant species, such as the Galapagos
Island Tortoise – these creatures can survive over 150 years and
weigh up to 880 pounds (425 kilograms).
The oldest living tortoise on
record was 176 years of age.
Here's another interesting fact
you may not know: like the rings in trees, the rings on a tortoise's
back can be used to determine its age.
Box tortoise |
Red footed tortoise eating |
Giant Aldabra Tortoise eating
grass |
Tortoises mating |
| is a great page if
you want to know more about these amazing animals.

Sea Turtles Facts:
At top speed, a sea turtle can swim at about 35 miles an
hour (56 kilometers/hour).
That's significantly faster than most
sharks, which are the main predators of sea turtles once they're
fully grown.
Fully grown sea turtles can range in size from around
30 inches (76 centimeters) up to 8 feet (2.4 meters), depending on
their species. Different colorations also occur, from turtles which
are completely green to brown and black turtles with tinges of
yellow and red on their shells.
Sea turtle's colors often change as
they grow older.
Read more about Sea Turtles and find a lot
of photos of Sea Turtles on the page
Sea Turtle Pictures.

Do Turtles Eat?
The food turtles eat depends largely on the species and
where they live.
Sea turtles eat a range of foods from shrimp and
crabs through to jellyfish.
Freshwater turtles, which tend to be
smaller, often prey on insects, worms and underwater snails, as well
as newly hatched fish and fish eggs.
Many turtles also eat seaweed.
Turtle Behavior:
As mentioned above, turtles are cold-blooded.
Like many other
cold-blooded reptiles, turtles warm themselves up by basking in the
sun. This is important to know if you plan on keeping pet turtles,
as it's likely you'll need to buy a heat lamp for them.
of the most interesting behavior, however, occurs in sea turtles –
namely, their huge migrations.
It's still not entirely understood
why turtles risk traveling such vast distances to lay their eggs in
the same spot.
Flatback sea turtles also have an odd behavior
individual to their species: they float at the surface of the ocean,
basking in the sun, often not even bothered when sea birds land on
their shells for a rest.

The Turtle's Shell:
As we mentioned earlier in the fun turtle facts section,
the turtle's shell is built into its skeleton – but that's not
all there is to it.
Part of the shell is bone, but there's
also a layer of a material called keratin. This is the same
stuff that makes up your fingernails. Obviously, the average
turtle shell is a lot thicker than a fingernail, which (combined
with the bone underneath) is what makes it so strong.

Where Would You Like to Go Next?
Pictures of Animals: Main page for all the pages with
animal photos, take a look at the overview at this page. |
Sea Turtle Pictures:
Wonderful photos of sea turtles on land and in the sea. |
Animal Clipart: the Main
page for all the pages with animal clip art here, funny
cartoons as well as cut-outs from photos. |

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